Already Diligent in Sports, Why Are Muscles Not Also Formed? - Vi2Be


Thursday, July 15, 2021

Already Diligent in Sports, Why Are Muscles Not Also Formed?

Building muscle is not easy, but there are ways to achieve it. Unfortunately, some people who are already diligent in exercising still can't have the desired muscles. Many men feel that it is useless to do regular exercise because they never get big and strong muscles. Don't feel that way just yet, there are some mistakes you may not notice during your workout. Anything? Check out the answer here and start fixing the error.

Mistakes in sports that make you fail to build muscle

  1. Incorrect repetitions
  2. The optimal number of repetitions to maximize muscle growth is about 6-12 reps per set. However, the number of repetitions can vary depending on what sport you are doing.

    Usually for sports or heavy movements, the repetitions should not be too many. About 1-5 reps per set may be enough. Meanwhile, if the exercise is light, take for example limited to walking, the repetitions of course have to be more in order to build muscle, for example 18-20 times.
  3. Less carbohydrates
  4. Maria-Paula Carrillo, MS, RDN, a nutrition and food expert says that just focusing on protein intake will not help you build muscle. If you eat too much protein, there's a good chance that you won't be getting enough carbohydrates.

    Carbohydrates are important for giving you more energy when you exercise and for actually building muscle. However, not only that, carbohydrates also help rebuild muscle tissue in a fast time which is an important part of muscle growth.
  5. That's all the exercise
  6. Your muscles need variety in how they move during exercise. If you only do exercises with the same muscles and the same way, your muscle movement will be limited that's all. This condition is a mistake to build the next muscle.

    You will need to change your exercise program every 6-8 weeks. To challenge yourself even more, make sure you also work the areas of the muscles that are still weak.
  7. Too much cardio
  8. Cardio exercises that get your heart rate up are an essential component of any workout routine. However, overdoing cardio will actually burn off the muscle tissue you worked so hard for before.

    If your goal is to increase muscle size and strength, cardio should be moderate. Katty Fraggos, a personal trainer suggests doing cardio exercise only 2 days a week, not every day. The rest can be filled with muscle building exercises such as lifting weights. It can really help you build muscle fast.
  9. Lack of rest
  10. Another mistake in building muscle is when you don't get enough sleep, exercise too often, or don't take time to rest between workouts. Lack of sleep can increase levels of cortisol (stress hormone) in the body. This hormone has a negative impact on muscle growth.

    Coen S. Hewes, a personal trainer and nutritionist says that in order to build muscle, the body needs to break down the fibers in the muscles and then they will grow back more or in different types of muscle fibers.

    Without adequate rest, muscles don't have time to repair damaged cells and grow stronger. So, don't forget to keep resting so that muscles are formed faster.

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